Laying Down Arms Reclaiming Souls: Sexual violence against men and boys in the context of the armed conflict in Colombia

June 19, 2022
Sexual Violence in ConflictAll Survivors Project

This public report presents the main findings submitted to the justice component of Colombia’s system of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition, the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (SJP). The joint submission was made in March 2022 by:

Red de Mujeres Víctimas y Profesionales (RMVP) – a national organisation of women victims of sexual violence and human rights defenders, and a founding member of the Global Network of Victims and Survivors to End Sexual Violence (SEMA).[1] RMVP aims to (1) achieve an adequate institutional response and recognition of sexual violence as a crime, not a cultural practice; (2) make private and community environments safe for girls and women; (3) ensure that peace benefits women and girls (peace in the home, peace in the country); and (4) eradicate the stigmatisation generated by this crime.

The Colombia-based Focal Groups of Male Victims of Sexual Violence (the Focal Groups) – supported by the gender and differential approach group of the SJP’s Unit of Investigation and Accusation, in alliance with the RMVP. One Focal Group represents male victims who identify as heterosexual; the other represents those who identify with a diverse sexual orientation. The Focal Groups represent the interests of a larger group of male victims of conflict-related sexual violence in Colombia, the National Group.

All Survivors Project (ASP) – an independent, neutral and impartial international non-profit organisation whose mission is to support global efforts to eradicate conflict related sexual violence, and to strengthen national and international responses through research and action on such violence against men, boys and/including people with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and expression and/or sex characteristics. ASP conducts research and facilitates interdisciplinary dialogue and learning to ensure that the rights and dignity of all victims/survivors are respected and protected.

**Note that this report contains graphic descriptions of sexual violence. Reader discretion is advised.

All Survivors ProjectAll Survivors Project

All Survivors Project (ASP) was founded in December 2016 as an independent research project that was jointly hosted by the Williams Institute and the Health and Human Rights Law Project, UCLA School of Law. In December 2017, ASP registered as an independent charitable foundation in Liechtenstein and with the Charities Commission in England and Wales in 2020. ASP continues to maintain a strong intellectual partnership with UCLA School of Law and conducts its research following UCLA Institutional Review Board approvals.

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