Journeys to Activism - Aime Moninga

July 21, 2022
Sexual Violence in ConflictRefugee Law Project

Aime Moninga is an activist who survived rape in the Democratic Republic of Congo. One of his concerns is to see the international community vote for a law that protects men who have suffered conflict-related violence. Together with other male survivors of sexual violence he has vowed to speak out about male sexual violence all over the world. Aime After Steven Kighoma fell victim of conflict related sexual violence, he fled into exile from his home in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Today his is an activist in the Men of Hope Refugee Association in Uganda fighting to raise awareness of conflict related sexual violence against men and boys. Aime participated in the very first SSI in person event in Kampala, Uganda in April 2013. has now resettled un the USA, and continues his activism.

Refugee Law ProjectRefugee Law Project

The Refugee Law Project, based at Makerere University in Kampala, works to ensure that all people enjoy their human rights, irrespective of their legal status. It seeks to empower asylum seekers, refugees, deportees, internally displaced people and host communities in Uganda, to enjoy their human rights and lead full and dignified lives.

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