Journeys to Activism - Alain Kabenga

Sexual Violence in ConflictRefugee Law Project

Alain Kabenga, an activist fighting for the right of male victims of conflict related sexual violence, was himself a victim of the same a few years back in his home country, the Democratic Republic of Congo. He survived and fled the country. He became a strong voice of activism in the Men of Hope Refugee Association in Uganda, After Steven Kighoma fell victim of conflict related sexual violence, he fled into exile from his home in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Today his is an activist in the Men of Hope Refugee Association in Uganda fighting to raise awareness of conflict related sexual violence against men and boys, and participated in the very first SSI in person event in Kampala, Uganda in April 2013. Alain has now resettled in Canada with his family.

Refugee Law ProjectRefugee Law Project

The Refugee Law Project, based at Makerere University in Kampala, works to ensure that all people enjoy their human rights, irrespective of their legal status. It seeks to empower asylum seekers, refugees, deportees, internally displaced people and host communities in Uganda, to enjoy their human rights and lead full and dignified lives.

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