Enhancing a survivor-centred approach to healthcare provision in Afghanistan: Understanding and addressing the barriers faced by male victims/survivors of sexual violence

August 26, 2022
Sexual Abuse & ExploitationLaura Pasquero

Research approach

The research, conducted in three provinces of Afghanistan, was an exploratory qualitative study, which involved semi-structured, qualitative interviews with participants, including adult male victims/survivors, healthcare providers and community health workers (CHWs). The research identified multiple, cumulative and self-reinforcing barriers, situated at different levels of the social ecological framework, which prevent male victims/survivors of sexual violence from accessing quality healthcare services in Afghanistan. The results of this study show that there are multiple and cumulative barriers to male victim/survivors' access to quality healthcare services in Afghanistan, which operate at various level of the social ecological framework, and that many of these are consistent with barriers found in other conflict settings.

The study concludes "Survivor-centred healthcare response to male victims/survivors of sexual violence should address barriers at multiple levels of the social ecological model, and respond to the needs of male victims/survivors from different vulnerable groups, including boys and victims/survivors with diverse SOGIESC. While this requires a strong multi-sectoral approach, the health sector can implement some direct interventions to address these barriers. Targeted interventions should be developed to enhance"

Laura PasqueroLaura Pasquero

Laura coordinates the Course “Addressing Sexual Violence in Conflict and Emergency Settings”, offered by the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies, which helps humanitarian managers conceive holistic interventions centred on survivors’ rights, needs and wishes. Laura also conducts research and provides technical advice and support to humanitarian, human rights and civil society organisations, and governments in the area of prevention and response to sexual violence and other form on gender-based violence against people of all genders in various contexts. On sexual violence against men and boys specifically, Laura works with the organisation All Survivors Project to help improving humanitarian responses for men, boys and/including LGBTIQ+ populations in conflict and displacement settings through research and advocacy. https://humanitarianstudies.ch/male-survivors-of-sexual-violence-their-voices-and-experience-must-be-at-the-centre-of-humanitarian-interventions/

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